Mott Counseling Department

The Waterford Mott Guidance and Counseling Program is comprehensive and is designed to meet the developmental needs of all students.  Its purpose is to contribute to the overall success of student learning.  Our program adheres to the Michigan Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program.   The standards are based on providing success through activities designed to ensure students’ academic, career, and personal/social development.  The program is delivered through individual counseling, small group counseling, large group guidance, consultation, and coordination. The Guidance and Counseling Program is composed of four components below.

Services & Support

  • Guidance Curriculum Counselors provide information regarding such topics as: study skills, career awareness, decision-making, personal responsibility, harassment, and conflict resolution.
  • Individual Planning Consisting of assisting students to plan, monitor, and manage their academic, personal, and career development.  Topics include: college selection, financial aid, interest surveys, course selection and career exploration. 
  • Responsive Services Consists of activities to meet immediate student needs and involves personal or crisis counseling, consultation, information, and referral.  
  • Systems Support Counselors manage activities that enhance the total guidance and counseling program.  It includes counselors' participation in professional development activities, serving on school/community advisory committees, communicating with staff and community, coordinating community resources, and gathering information to enhance students' success.

9th Grade

  • High School Transition
  • Freshman Parent Orientation (February)
  • Four Year Plan (EDP)/Career Cruising (March/April)
  • PSAT Testing (October)
  • Pre-Enrollment/Course Selection (February/March)
  • Honors Convocation (June)

10th Grade

  • Four Year Plan Review (March/April)
  • Transcript Review
  • Pre-enrollment Course Selection
  • PSAT Testing (October)
  • Honors Convocation (June)

11th Grade

  • PSAT Testing (October)
  • SAT/ACT State Assessments (April)
  • Four Year Plan Review (March/April)
  • Transcript Review (February/March)
  • Pre-enrollment Course Selection
  • Honors Convocation (June)

12th Grade

  • SAT/ACT Testing/Make-ups
  • College and Career Guidance
  • Graduation Credit Review Transcript
  • Financial Aid Night (January)
  • Scholarship/Military Information
  • Post High School Transition
  • Honors Convocation (May)